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Birding with BRMC

 Bull Run Mountains Conservancy offers a variety of different opportunities for those interested in learning how to identify, study, and appreciate the birds we see in the region. Whether it be bird box monitoring, attending our annual woodcock watch, or birding walks; there's something for everyone.

Check out our list of birding opportunities and be sure to check back regularly for any updates!

Bluebird monitoring

Help BRMC monitor our 12 bluebird boxes located at our Mountain House, Leopold's Preserve, and Wakefield School. No experience is needed. You can check our collected data from last year by clicking here. If interested, email us at

Annual Woodcock Watch

Join us as we watch the elaborate courtship displays and flight of the woodcock. Free and open to the community. Click here to sign up today. 

Winter Waterfowl Walk

Join BRMC as we spend the morning birding with a focus on the area’s winter waterfowl. David A. Wiedenfeld, Ph.D., Sr. Conservation Scientist, with American Bird Conservancy, will be leading our walk. Sign up here.

Migratory Bird Walk

Join us on a bird walk at North Fork Wetlands. David A. Wiedenfeld, Ph.D., Sr. Conservation Scientist, with American Bird Conservancy, will be leading our walk. We have seen 60 species, including a variety of warblers and newly arrived migrants in past years. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to enjoy birding on this beautiful property, while being led by a world class birder!

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